Author: Sri Hari
Dare to be a day trader?
You have seen them in the movies, screaming at their phones asking to buy a few thousand or to sell a few millions worth of stocks. Meet the Day trade,… Continue reading "Dare to be a day trader?" -
What type of investor are you?
You may not wear an Armani suit or drive a Bentley. You may not yet know the difference between an EBITA and EPS, or may not have any clue at… Continue reading "What type of investor are you?" -
Is this a good stock at a cheap price, or a cheap stock at a good price
New investors may not know the difference between the two, so let me give you an analogy. You visit a watch store and you have your eyes on two specific… Continue reading "Is this a good stock at a cheap price, or a cheap stock at a good price" -
Easy investment strategies for a new investor
Deciding to invest in the stock market can be an exciting proposition and if you do it right, there are plenty of rewards to reap. I hope this brief article… Continue reading "Easy investment strategies for a new investor" -
Can you earn $20 000 with a goofy video on YouTube?
She has a “chalk on the board” kind of voice, terrible lyrical sense and a style sense like Sophie Kachinski from Two broke girls. Meet Dhinchak Pooja, the girl people… Continue reading "Can you earn $20 000 with a goofy video on YouTube?" -
Top three mistakes newbies make in the Stock Market
Jamie, the new investor was sweating. He does not know what to do with his shares in XCY IT company. His choice of stock was running like a bull last… Continue reading "Top three mistakes newbies make in the Stock Market"